Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So I think a lot of you know that there's a sequel to Measure the Sea in the works. (The way MTS was written, there has to be a sequel-- I left a lot of things hanging at the end there!) The plan is for it to be a two-parter, with Part 1 a flashback to the founding of New Delphi in the 1870's and Part 2 the resolution of what goes down in MTS. I may end up folding MTS into the book and making a 3-part single tome. We'll see how it works out.

Anyway, the working title of the sequel is Approaching Divinity.

We'll see how the summer goes with respect to writing. I left my job at Da Vinci Science Center, so technically I have a lot more writing time, but now I have full-time responsibility for the kiddos, and every time I come down to the office to write, I hear them upstairs dismantling part of the house, so I can't really get into the zone. I've got the story in my head; transferring it to the computer presents more of a challenge. Plus, after the long winter, we plan on doing a lot of outdoors adventures, so that's going to occupy a lot of would-be writing time. I think I need to get back into the habit of getting up super-early and writing then, although that process-- while effective-- took a lot out of me. It's all one big 'we'll see.'

As for MTS, I'm also working on getting it into more bookstores and trying to get another reading. I wonder if the lady at Moravian Book Shop has read it yet...?

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